I’m pretty sure its impossible to read a story and not picture whats happening in your head.

even if you think you have no creative brain, when you think of a witch, you picture a witch in your head.

Hansel and Gretel aren’t just names, or letters put together, they are people. Hansel is a little German boy wearing lederhosen right!

Snow white, is a lady with black hair…go figure. I would have thought she would be blond. But that’s where artistic interpretation comes in.

I haven’t drawn a picture of a snow monkey or phoenix before. But I wonder… what you think it looks like.


This week I am going to finalize the lyrics and start recording the song. But I want images to go along with the song for when I make the video.

So this week I want you to draw a picture! If you want to paint something, go for it. If you want to draw a little something something on the back of a beer coaster, do it!

draw on a napkin, draw on your skin, make a shadow puppet! Be as creative as possible! Below is a list of the imagery I need.


a cracking egg,
glowing bird on the ground.
land on fire.
ball of snow with a monkey tail.
looking out of an igloo at a glow in the distance
a yeti walking on a hike
a big sad bird.
a yeti saying follow me
a yeti and a phoenix laughing together
yeti pushing the phoenix of a cliff
the phoenix flying
A pink cloudy sky

SPECIAL NOTE: If you think you cant draw, I want you to prove it to me by sending me your attempt at one of the above!


So show me what you’ve got! You can upload the imagery to imgur.com (and post the url to your picture below) if you want,  or you can take a photo of your work, or scan it in and email it to me at music(at)adamhoek(dot)com.



EDIT: below are the images I have received for submission so far.


3 thoughts on “CSP2 – Imagery

  1. marjon

    He Adam,

    Nice picture on the top!

    I’ll give it a try…

    Greets Marjon.

  2. Taal

    Just send you my idea on ‘a big sad bird’.

    The cracking egg from Jannike is pretty kewl!

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