The Tale of 2 Unlikely Friends

Allrighty, its all done!

Check out the video below!

So what do you think? I know its not super classy, but its more about having fun and enjoying the project right! 😀

This isnt live yet to the public, Its just for you guys right now. I will release it later next week. Give you time to enjoy it and feel special!

Feel free to share it with your friends and let them know you were a part of it!

Would you guys like me to send you a card like i did with the last one? If you want me to send you thank you mail(real paper mail). Then E-mail me your post address and I will thank you like that 😀

you can also download this song here:

Good times guys, I think we created something special here 😀


p.s please give me your feed back on the project. did you think it took too long, what should we change for next time?





CSP2 – Progress?

Below, is the song so far. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Should I keep working on it like this, or scrap it and start over?


Btw this might take a second or 2 to load. if it doesn’t, just reload the page and it should all work fine.


CSP2 – Imagery

I’m pretty sure its impossible to read a story and not picture whats happening in your head.

even if you think you have no creative brain, when you think of a witch, you picture a witch in your head.

Hansel and Gretel aren’t just names, or letters put together, they are people. Hansel is a little German boy wearing lederhosen right!

Snow white, is a lady with black hair…go figure. I would have thought she would be blond. But that’s where artistic interpretation comes in.

I haven’t drawn a picture of a snow monkey or phoenix before. But I wonder… what you think it looks like.


This week I am going to finalize the lyrics and start recording the song. But I want images to go along with the song for when I make the video.

So this week I want you to draw a picture! If you want to paint something, go for it. If you want to draw a little something something on the back of a beer coaster, do it!

draw on a napkin, draw on your skin, make a shadow puppet! Be as creative as possible! Below is a list of the imagery I need.


a cracking egg,
glowing bird on the ground.
land on fire.
ball of snow with a monkey tail.
looking out of an igloo at a glow in the distance
a yeti walking on a hike
a big sad bird.
a yeti saying follow me
a yeti and a phoenix laughing together
yeti pushing the phoenix of a cliff
the phoenix flying
A pink cloudy sky

SPECIAL NOTE: If you think you cant draw, I want you to prove it to me by sending me your attempt at one of the above!


So show me what you’ve got! You can upload the imagery to (and post the url to your picture below) if you want,  or you can take a photo of your work, or scan it in and email it to me at music(at)adamhoek(dot)com.



EDIT: below are the images I have received for submission so far.


CSP2 – The Bird and the Monkey

I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend, I sure did… maybe a little too much, hence the late update.
but don’t worry, I have been busy with it.

Brendan replied to the fill in the gaps and did it better than I could possibly fathom!
If you guys didn’t read it, you might want to go back and check it out!

The idea was about a Phoenix who was setting the earth on fire and got help from an abominable snowman. The phoenix said thanks by lighting up the clouds with the pink orange color.    
Great job! Seriously. That could be a Disney movie. It actually inspired me to write lyrics on the spot! Originally I wanted to mix all the stories together.. but obviously that was an insane idea…I don’t know how that could have worked. I hope you guys don’t mind.

So the mission for you guys, is to read the lyrics below and make your comments, what do you like, what do you not like. Pick it apart and suggest edits. I would really like to know what you think of this first draft. ALSO WE NEED A TITLE!


EDITED: 13th of  June

cracked from an egg on the ground,
little bird didnt know how to fly
with no one around,
he relied on himself, to just get by

and when the sun goes down,
his light, starts to shine.
when the darks around,
he started to glow,
just to kill time.

When he was all grown up he, bacame quite sad,
the light in his heart, set fire
to the sea and the land.

everything he touched he, turned to flame.
was tired of being so lonley
and full of shame

I want to be, some place away from me.
and i dont know why, God is doing this to me.

rolled from a ball in the snow,
little monkey was really cold,
and with no place to go.
he built an igloe.

and when the sun went down.
monkey saw a faint glow,
in a land far far away,
from what he called his home..

I want to be, some place away from me.
and i dont know why, I have to be so lonely

the monkey decided to go to the glow,
saw every thing on fire,
and put it out with his snow.

he saw a big bird, who was really sad.
and said, whats the matter with you bird.
your life cant be that bad.

bird, turned around and said you dont understand.
Im the one who set fire to everything in this land.

monkey knew what to do, and said “Bird follow me”.
I’ll take you to a place far above the trees.

and as they made their way to the mountain top,
they became best friends and the talking didnt stop.

up on the cliff monkey said this might get rough,
and as the bird turned around, monkey pushed him
right off.

and as bird spiraled down, he was quite angry.
as he flapped his fire wings,
he began to feel free

i know now, who i was meant to be,
and i light up the clouds for snow monkey.

when your in trouble look towards the sky
and remember that there is always a snow monkey near by


All right thats it for now. Quite a long song eh?

Once again feel free to email me at music(at)adamhoek(dot)com if you feel the need.

I’m going to start working on the music.


CSP2 – Fill in the “________”

Hey you creative people!

I know your dying to get creating so lets get right to it shall we!
This mission is by far going to be the most fun!
the mission is below the video

From last week you guys chose track 1!
A little funky, a little smooth. I thought it was going to be track 3 but hey…Its your song too so track 1 it is!
here it is again so you can hear it.

So the next part is for us to build the story! Ive set you up something to work from.
All you have to do is fill in the gaps! Pretty easy, and fun too…kind of like a game show.

So get crazy and fill the gaps in, in the comments below. If you think you know where the story should go after what Ive written up, go for it! Be as creative as possible. The more rediculous the better!

what we are going to do is get all your stories together and combine them! Take the strong elements from each one and make a master story we can all be proud of!

Tip: Feel free to use animals as characters, or objects even!
the main character is x and the 2nd character is y.

Once apon a time there was a _________(x) who didnt know how to ______________________.
they were very sad about it. One day whilst__________________, x came upon a ___________________(y)
who was very_________________.

x and y upon meeting imediatly ________________. x liked y but didnt feel that they were trustworthy.
y said ‘I think i can help you with your problem’. x replied “____________________”.

A little shocked y replied “__________________”

X agreed to recieve y’s help, but little did x know that y was ___________________.

Where should it go from here?!
Also make sure to read what others are saying in the comments and make suggestions off of their creative stories!

CSP2 – Guitar Tracks

Hey Gang,
Last week we were choosing what kind of fairytale song we were going to write,
The popular vote was a New Story. Ive still got no idea what the story will be about though.

So this week we will be looking at 3 tracks that can possibly be used for the song.
Maybe once it has been chosen we can use that to draw inspiration.

yes, one day you will...

Just so you know, these tracks are no where near finsihed…and Im not actually formulating words yet, just making a guiding principal for the song.
Rather like a lump of clay, right now its an ugly pile…but one day it will be something nice.
So lets choose which lump of a guitar track we want to use shall we?

Click the video below to listen to the tracks and then vote below in the comments for your favorite one to make a fairytale song out of.

we will keep this open for about a week or so.
Once again…feel free to email me for whatever you want at

CSP2 – Story Ideas

Community Songs

The voting was so close guys!

But in the end you guys chose fairytails, followed by a mashup of some sort. So fairytales it is.

To be honest, I didn’t think it would go that way. I never thought i would be a 24 year old man writing a fairytale song.

So I’m going to need your help. What I need from you guys is some kind of story idea.

We could do a ‘Where are they now’ story. Example: ‘What ever happened to Hansel and Gretel?

We could do a ‘Role Reversal’ story. Example: ‘It turns out the witch was the good guy, kids coming up and destroying her house! whats up with that?!

We could do a ‘New Story’. Come up with something totally fresh!

We could do a ‘Crossover’ story. Example: ‘Hansel meets Red Riding Hood in the Forrest


So, below please write up some ideas for the song. Tell me the direction you want it to go.

If you want to email me for some reason please send it to

Community Songs Project 2

Community Songs

All right, the official seal is in place and we are ready to get started on the second Community Song!

Last time, our theme was ‘Problem Solving’ and we made the song ‘Who Is With Me’.

This week we will be working on the theme for the next song. So to keep this simple I will give you 2 options and from there you can choose what you like.

Feel free to offer suggestions below as well! If people like your suggestion and they vote for that instead…then thats what we will go with. I think thats probably the best way to put it. Also feel free to email me with your thoughts at

Ok, so the 2 themes to choose from are:

So Fairy Tales, Western or the Bonus Theme of Romance? A mash up is also an option. A Fairy Tale Western story with some Romance :O

Its up to you, I’ll let you guys get to voting(comment below to vote)! Talk to you next week.
