Download Card Ideas

You may have noticed in the above menu that there is a new Redeem section.

What is it? Well, that’s where you go when you get a download code from me! you put in the code, and download a song. Its that easy.
how how do you get one of these said codes? Well, you cant yet… because I’m still designing the cards that the codes will be on.
This means, at my shows, you will be able to buy single songs instead of needing to buy an entire CD! pretty neat huh?

Usually I would only let my members see this stuff… but I thought it would be fun to open it up to the public so you guys can have some input too.
So have a look below and tell me what you think.
which card would you like to have? tell me in the comments below!
your options

Community Song 2 is now live.

Thank you all who contributed to the community song.

The Community Song project is an initiative that I have put together for my fans to help them express their creativity, using me as a tool.
The fans come up with the ideas and edit the lyrics etc and when we are happy. We make a video of it.
This is the 2nd one we have done, and you know what? It was fun! 😀

Please check it out below and let us know what you think!

If you would like to download this song please visit

The download is donation based, to improve the AdamHoek community. So you can pay as much or as little as you want for it.
If you would like to join the Adam Hoek newsletter. please enter your email in the field on the right! Its all free.. dont worry.

Whats on the way.

I’ve been very busy over the last month and just want to let you know whats in store for you.
Believe it or not, I’ve been playing 3-5 shows a week and more than likely, you haven’t seen any of them.
Soon I will tell you how you can join my shows. but for now, I’m keeping it hush hush(working out the kinks).

Also I’ve been working with other amazing artists. I’m so excited to let you hear what we have put together for you guys.
And best of all, its all going to be free! that’s right. Free!

I’m not talking about quickly put together songs either but really good high quality audio.

I have also been working on a very special EP, that will allow you to taste the songs. Crazy I know.

We are also working on our second ‘Community Songs Project’ song.
you can check out the first one here: “Who is with me?
These songs can be bought for 1 euro, but the people who sign up for my news letter get it for free!

Anyway back to getting it all done!

Fan Submitted Headers

Remember when your mum used to put your pictures up on the fridge? How good did that feel right?

Well let me give you that feeling back! Let me put your artwork up in my header!

I don’t hate my current header, I like the dinosaur and everything, but I do like to keep things fresh.


So I want to have a new header. Something that says, we are a creative bunch of people.

So I was thinking, Why don’t you submit a header for me? What is a header anyway? It’s the image at the top of the page.

So what needs to be in the header? Well…pretty much anything, I know you are a creative bunch. I’m sure you can work something out.

Remember when I did that t-shirt contest a while back? Lets plug back into that creativity!

Dont worry about the size or shape, just send me in your artwork you will let me use for that space and I will make it fit.

to submit your header please email me at music(at)adamhoek(dot)com.

I’m thinking about switching it up at least once a month, If I get a lot then maybe it can change weekly.

So please send me your artwork. Think of your favorite song and make some artwork for it. Draw a picture of me rocking out.

As long as its not obscene or crude ok guys?

I’m looking forward to showing how proud I am of you by putting  pic you made up on my fridge.

Intellectual Property
  1. All submitted work must be original and not based on any pre-existing design.
  2. All Entries will become the sole property of ADAMHOEK and may be displayed publicly on ADAMHOEK web sites + merch.
Participation constitutes the Entrant’s full and unconditional agreement to and acceptance of these Official Rules. By participating in the Contest, the Entrant is representing and warranting that he/she has read and understood, and agrees to be bound by, these rules. Including the guides and rules referred to herein, these Official Rules constitute the entire agreement between the Entrant and ADAMHOEK in relation to the Contest. They govern the Entrant’s participation and supersede any prior or other agreements between the Entrant and ADAMHOEK and relating to the Contest.


Community Songs Project ROUND 2

Well, the wedding, is over and Bin Laden is dead and queens day has passed in the Netherlands….
Which means… Its time for the second ‘Community Songs Project’ Song!

Here is the last one, just in case you missed it…

Download it for 1Euro above or join my free members group and get it for freezies!(join my entering your email in the side bar)

For those, not in the know the ‘Community Songs Project’ is a project I have set up to help you explore your creativity.
There are a lot of people with the creative juices that don’t know what to do with them. So we focus it and create a song together as a group.
you can participate as much or as little as you want.Think visual creativity is more your thing? Make a drawing/painting/photo about the song and we will put it in the video! pretty awesome I think. When the song is all done, then you get the song for free! You can give it to your friends, put it on your Facebook, tweet it and everything! You can tell them.. “I was a part of that! That song would of sucked without me” 😀

So if it sounds like something you would be interested in put your email in that side bar (top right) and join me on this creative adventure!

Hope to see you soon in the members section soon!

Happy Raster!

This morning I woke up to a text message from my mum.
‘Happy Raster, Rose & Sjons’
I dont even know a Rose, let alone a duo of Rose & Sjons, what am I doing with a text message to them?
What she meant was:
‘Happy Easter, Rise and Shine’
She got a new iPhone recently and is having trouble with the auto spell check function.

Anyway, Easter time is time for celebration! So I hope you all have a wonderful day.
I made this video a while ago and I thought it would be a good day to bring it back into the light.

Did you have an easter egg hunt today? I havent had one in years but I did today…all the eggs outside were melted.

Ballad of Serenity | Firefly Intro

Yes I know, I should be working on the Community Songs Project video, and yes I know that most of you have probably never heard of Firefly before.
But that doesn’t change the fact that the song is good.

Take my love, take my land, take me where I can not stand.
I dont care, Im still free, you cant take the sky away from me.

Its a true freedom song. You can download the song for free at

Tomorrow I will work on what I’m actually supposed to be doing.. I promise!

Community Songs Project – update

Community Songs
This week I’m working on the video for the Community Songs Project.
This is a project I’ve been working on with my fans who are on my newsletter.

So far, its looking good…I think. Im trying to make it look somewhat like the John Mayer Free Fallin cover video on the homepage Hopefully the video will be done by next Tuesday.
The people who helped out will get the video+song first for free, then the rest of the news letter for free and then the rest of the world will have to pay for it.

If you want to get in early, feel free to jump on to the news letter. Just pop your email in, in the right hand column.
or click here

Its been really great working with you guys. I think we will do this again soon.