Stop running around all naked!

Exciting news everyone! T-shirts are now available through the ADAMHOEK store!


Ladies have been telling me that they want female shirts so it fits them better and now they are available as well. I’m really excited to have some Tees up FINALLY! Head over to the store and tell me what you think! I will be working on more designs for you soon.

We have the Longest dutch word t-shirts, ADAMHOEK bold shirts and the infamous humming bird logo shirts that you guys have been asking me for!

So far there are 12 shirts to fit your needs, but I also give the option to move the logos around and choose your own shirt + color that you wish. There really is no reason not to buy one today!

When you buy one send me a picture of you wearing it!

Please tell me below what other kinds of designs you guys would like.

USE COUPON CODE  ‘dad2010’  before 21/6/10 and get  20% off!

Taste Testing @ strawberry Lounge

Today I went and met with the lovely ladies at Strawberry Lounge.
What an awesome place!

I gave them a little taste test of my live music, while I got a taste test of their bagels (Heavenly).

Someday soon I will definitely be playing again. So Jump on my newsletter to hear about when that will be happening!
p.s if you jump on my newsletter you get free mp3s aswell. Just because I think you are awesome!

Tongue Twisters (aka The Longest Dutch Word) at ‘Cafe de Peuk’

The literal translation of Cafe de Peuk is Cafe cigarette bud.
However since last week you can no longer smoke there…well indoors anyway.
I love playing at Cafe de Peuk. The crowd there is always bright and friendly…maybe its because they are drunk…but maybe…just maybe…its because they like my music.
Here is a little sample of how it went down on my most recent visit.

Come Join us all sunday 11th of July between 6-8 as we once again recite ‘The longest dutch word’
Cafe De Peuk

Jump on the free newsletter to hear about when + where I will be playing next!

Today, we start afresh

Hey guys, Old site was getting a little clunky.
Today its time for change! Im not talking Obama style, im talking about web style.
Working out a few kinks now and soon we should be up and running!
In the mean time go check get yourself some free mp3s of mine over here
your the best…seriously…I’m not just saying that.