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Can you imagine a life without music? I sure cant. I think I would go crazy, maybe even
be one of those people you see on the news that are dirty with really wild hair and no teeth…
One of those people that makes you wonder ‘How did THAT happen to that guy?’

Well, he led a life without the joy and comfort of music. He is just one of those people
that thought ‘Mehh, I dont need any ones help, I dont need to express my feelings.’
But what he doesn’t realize is that he is slowly piling on the stress. Like he is in an
hour glass, at first he doesnt even notice the trickle of sand landing in his hair,
but after a while he is standing in quicksand and he cant see a way out.

Do you have a sand release valve? Does anyone really know what is going on in your heart?
When people say ‘Whats up?’ do you always just say ‘Nothin, just chillin’ But deep down
you have this desire to spill out your feelings all over the other person? Its cool,
dont worry, I’m just the same.

When I have no one on hand to talk to, I turn to my music.
When I get angry or frustrated I pick up a guitar and sit on my bed and just start playing.
Its like the instrument is listening to what I have to say.

I am a professional musician, playing music, so you dont have to.
Although I recommend everyone learn how to play guitar, some people just dont feel like
they have it in them. I’ve spent over a decade writing songs and playing guitar so that you
dont have to turn out like the dirty man with crazy hair and no teeth.
Let me play you the songs, that you need to hear. Lets get that sand out of your hair.

I am here to make you cry… but in a good way.
-Adam Hoek

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